Saturday, May 7, 2011

What lengths will you go to get a coupon?

I asked myself this question the other day when I was in the drive-thru lane at GD Ritzy's on Fist Avenue and I spied a coupon stuck to the outside of a trash can.  My detective skills told me that the coupon wasn't a sticker but was stuck to a trash can by scum and goo.  But I had to know what the coupon was for.  So as I moved forward I got a better view and it was a cereal coupon.  I thought "I eat cereal, I need more cereal, I might need that coupon."  But it had goo on it and was stuck to a trash can.  I'm one of those germy phobe people but mostly about bodily fluids (sneezing, drool, unclean hands) but trash goo is nasty also.  So I got to move one more car up and was close enough that I could grab the coupon if I wanted to.   I was telling myself that I really wasn't that desperate for one coupon.  I have hundreds at home but it was a good coupon and I could use it.  So I grabbed it.  I did.  And I was excited about it.  I got my food, got my drink, wiped off my hands with a wet wipe and went to wipe off the back of the coupon and then saw that it was expired.  WHATEVER.  I grabbed a gross expired coupon off a trash can.  So that's my story of what lengths I will go to get a coupon.  What have you done?


  1. around here we have coupons/ads delivered door to door in plastic baggies...i find them laying in the drives days after they were delivered...the baggies are torn and dirty...sometimes they are all wet so i just take the coupons out and spread them on a table to dry then clip them...once saw some sticking out of a recycle bin and nabbed them too...>^,,^<

  2. I would love to have coupons delivered in a baggie to my door!

  3. they used to come on a regular basis...then stopped...then at some houses and not all...i found they come from the tribune so emailed them and all of a sudden they are there...almost every friday...i've got some neighbors who let me pick theirs up too...i LOVE coupons...hehehe...>^,,^<
