Monday, May 9, 2011

My Walgreens Trip

Oh, my St. Joe Walgreens was out of everything.  I knew it would be.  But I did pull out a great deal anyways. Just before I left to shop I re-checked my favorite blogs which I always do because somebody probably found a good unadvertised deal and this was one of them.  My total for this purchase was a little over $11.  I used 2 $1.50 off Pampers Swaddlers or Cruisers diapers coupons from the 5/1 P & G insert.  And I also used the Walgreens Baby Care booklet coupon for another $2 off each one.  I also had a $1.50 coupon that was mailed to me in a P & G coupon booklet for $1.50 off any Pampers wipes.  I had a $5 RR which I used towards the $3 cooler.  So my total after coupons was just over $11 and I got a $5 RR for any $5 purchase of Pampers and a $3 RR.  So my net purchase for 2 packages of diapers, 1 package of wipes and a insulated cooler was $3. If your new to couponing then this deal probably sounds very complicated.  I literally copy and pasted the deal directly from and printed it out and hoped my Walgreens was participating in the same deal.  It also pays to sign up for things online where you will receive coupons in the mail. I use these all the time.


  1. That was a great deal. I am wondering how you got the P&G insert on 5/1, I bought two papers and the only insert was the pepsi one. Do you have any ideas why that would be? Both papers were bought on the north side but at two separate locations.

  2. Somebody left that out of your paper because you should have gotten one. It was a swimmer and her mom on the cover. That really sucks because the P&G insert has great coupons and no matter where you live in the country the coupons will all be the same. I'd ask your family and friends if they will give you the coupons they don't want or you can always buy a particular coupon online. I get mine from recycling centers and usually find plenty.

  3. I called the Evansville Courier and found out that they don't receive enough inserts to go in all store locations so I will need to get the Sunday paper delivered to get the inserts.
    Thank you for your wonderful blog, I will be visiting often.

  4. That's interesting to know. I'm glad you shared that. I did get a subscription to the paper a few weeks ago from a guy in front of Walmart for $1 a week for the Sunday only. It was a Walmart deal, check the archives for a post I did on it. They are suppose to do that deal every 3 months at Walmart.
    - Mary
