Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Shopping Lists

I thought I'd share how I make my shopping list since it's something that couponers all do differently.  In the show Extreme Couponing you will see them use fancy spreadsheets on their ipads while they shop.  I just use a sheet of paper and a pen.  Old school works for me. 
So what I did for my Buy-Low trip was to go through all my coupons and make a list of all the ones that could possibly get me free or super cheap products.  I also list what the coupon value is so I can easily do the math in the store and not sort through all my coupons again.  On the far right I list what quantity I have coupons for.  And that's it.  Super easy shopping list.  Below is a picture of all the coupons I pulled out and hoped to use.  Buy-Low has such high prices on some of their products that I could have done better going to Walmart and not having the coupon doubled. 

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