Thursday, June 9, 2011

I Got My Hot Dogs

I happened to get to Buy-Low right when a man was stocking the shelves and I spotted an Oscar Mayer box.  And it was the bun length turkey franks that were on sale for $10/10.  There was only one box with 20 in the box so I took 8 and got them for $.50 each.  This was at the West Lloyd Expressway store. I think I have enough to last the summer.  This coupon was at last month but I believe it is down now.  Thank you Malissa for letting me know that Buy-Low gets shipments on Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad someone in Evansville is doig this. I am a mom of 3 kids o a very low budget and would love the help. I live in Evansville but am from I will be followingyour blog from now on. Thank you for doing this!!
