Friday, July 15, 2011

My Coupon Experiment

My two nieces are staying with me this weekend.  They are 11 and 12 and I can say that they are a little spoiled.  I've been teaching them about coupons and saving money (which is a hard concept for pre-teens) and the importance of doing it.  So my goal for the weekend is to have chores for them to help me with and they can earn money for them.  But they have to buy some of the items on their back to school list with their own money.  I plan to let them earn $10 each and the items they have to buy themselves are pens, erasers, glue, etc.  At the store I want to show them what the regular price is and add that up for them - hoping it will come up to around $10.  So if they use no coupons and the item is not on sale then they have to use all their money.  But if they match coupons and buy the products that are on sale then they will have money left over for whatever (it will be candy I'm sure).  I'm hoping this works and just gives an example of the importance of smart shopping.  So I will have to report back on my experiment. Wish me luck!!!


  1. Where are you shopping? If you go to Walmart, make sure you bring the others store ads with school supply sales. I got my Fiber One Cereal for $2.50 and used $.75 coupons = $1.75 (McKim's IGA ad)and $.98 hamburger helper with $.75 off 3 Coupon + $.73 each. Thanks for teaching the next generation. Tracy Kraft

  2. I'm so glad you mentioned that. I think that's exactly what I'm going to do. I've not done that very many times but it's bound to be easier than to drive to each drug store and risk that they are sold out by the time you get there.
