Monday, January 23, 2012

Have you ever bartered with coupons?

What about paying for a service with items out of your stockpile? I've been doing this for awhile but just never thought about how I was actually bartering with my couponing. For example, today my neice babysat my youngest son today and she agreed to be paid in toothpaste instead of cash. So I'm going to grab a few boxes of Colgate from my stockpile to pay her for an hour of babysitting. This weekend I gave my mother-in-law several packages of dental floss in exchange for printing some coupons from her printer. She would let me print them anyways but I feel I should give her something for using her printer ink. This has me thinking what else can I barter for. I do have 20 boxes of KY Jelly I don't need, I wonder what I could trade for that? LOL!


  1. List alternative uses for KY Jelly and you might have some takers. My sister put a dab in her baby's hair to stick a tiny bow in her hair. Bald Headed Baby. Maybe it can be used on baby boys instead of Vaseline. Here's a link I found for 7 alternative uses:

    Tracy Kraft

  2. Thats helpful. I have been using it for a diaper rash cream on the younger son and my oldest son that sometimes get chaffing on his inner thighs.
