Sunday, December 11, 2011

What did you think of our coupons today?

So I opened up the paper today, excited to see what coupons we would have in our inserts and all the good ones I was hoping we would get were not there.  It drives me nuts sometimes that we miss out so often on those high value regional coupons. We deserve them just as much as Louisville or Indianapolis.  As a Evansville area couponer it is much harder to get the great deals because we don't have those super coupon friendly double coupon grocery stores nor do we have the good coupons.  But every time I get down about it I realize that I still get great deals all the time and save hundreds of dollars each month.  

1 comment:

  1. I like the Hershey's buy 2 get one free. That's 3 bags for $5 at CVS.

    Tracy Kraft
