Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Awesome New Coupon Buying Site

I heard about this great website that offers low prices for purchasing coupons.  It's http://www.lorihas3kids.com/ and she sells coupons in groups of 10 or 20 for as low as $1.  That's a pretty good price compared to eBay and some of the other sites.  Check it out and sign up to be notified anytime new coupons are added.  I haven't used this site before so I can't say much about the customer service but I do plan to use soon.  The last few times I have used www.thecouponclippers.com I have been so disappointed in how long their processing and shipping is.  Most of the time it takes 7 to 8 days to get the coupons and that's too long when your trying to get a store deal.


  1. HI Mary, I have been reading your blog for a while and tried to leave a comment once but it didn't post?? I'm am not web savvy. Anyway, I have used whole coupon inserts before and been happy with them. You can pick how many inserts you want within reason, ex. 6 of each insert that came out that week, price isn't too bad if there are valuable coupons, you get them by Thursday that same week and like you said, so many times in our market, we miss out on the good ones. So not fair!

  2. What website do you go to for the whole inserts? I'm trying to figure out how to make posting a comment easier and I will do a blog post on it soon. I'm still learning all this myself too. Its harder to be web savy when your older and you didn't grow up with it!

  3. I have been very busy and just had the chance to get online. The webiste I go to is http://wholecouponinserts.com/. I haven't shopped around on this too much because I was happy with their service and the prices seem fair. I guess it just depends on what you are looking for. Glad to know my last comment went through, maybe I'm getting the hang of it
