Sunday, December 18, 2011

Couponing for Profit?

There was some discussion a couple weeks ago on a coupon forum I follow and a couponer who get items for FREE and then resells them.  There were a lot of people who were upset about it because they felt that any couponer should donate their free items if they are not going to use them themselves.  It was interesting to me how different people felt about it.  Some couponers would sell their free items in their yard sales or at a local consignment store.  Another lady said she had a table space at a flea market. It was a very heated discussion and I was so surprised how passionate couponers were about donating.  If you read my blog often then you know that I love to donate items to local charities. I often can not afford to make cash donations to charities but couponing allows me to donate food, medicines and baby supplies which are highly needed as well.  But in my opinion, it's my choice to do what I want with the items I have.  You DO purchase these items from the store which makes them yours. You also pay taxes on them. I certainly don't want to tell anyone what they can or can't do with their stockpile.  Times are hard and I can understand why a couponer would sell their free items and I personally don't feel there is anything wrong with it.  I have couponed my way to free maternity clothes at Target before and then sold them at a consignment sale.

So I guess my point is that I feel that couponers have the right to do what they wish with their stockpile.  It's great if you can donate or maybe donate a small percentage of it, but it should be each persons own choice. How do you guys feel about it?

1 comment:

  1. You're right. We don't know everyone's story or situation. I'm still unemployed. I worked at Local 808 (Whirlpools Union Hall).

    Tracy Kraft
