Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My CVS Shopping Trip

:(  Yep this was my shopping trip.  Everything on my list was sold out at the CVS in North Park by Monday afternoon.  But I'm glad this happened so I could talk about rain checks.  A few years ago I had no idea what a rain check was.  Now I use them all the time.  So if you go to the store to get your deals and their sold out, don't worry about it. Just get a rain check for it.  It does mean making another trip to the store but I do my main 4 stores once a week anyways.  So for CVS I got a raincheck for 4 Duncan Hines brownie mixes.  I have 4 $.50 coupons and with the sale it will make them about $.33 a box.  I got a raincheck for 6 boxes of Kelloggs Rice Crispies that I believe are on sale for $1.97 a box.  I have 2 coupons for $1.50 off 3 boxes.  And I also got a raincheck for 4 packages of Gillette Comfort Plus razors which will be free with my coupons.  All these coupon scenario's are listed on my previous post on CVS weekly deals.  The show Extreme Couponing has defiantly had an effect.  Once I get back from Chicago I plan to make time to call the managers of some of our local stores to ask if it is possible that they can order extra stock of the hot sale items for each week.  At full stock their shelf probably had 8 boxes of Duncan Hines brownie mix and that means probably only 2 or 3 people got to get a great deal (unless they used a rain check like me). 

1 comment:

  1. I started couponing because of the show but I really don't see the show staying on the air much longer. I really don't even watch it anymore and I'm doing couponing. Every show is exactly the same which normally means it won't last long. Hopefully if that happens it will be easier to find items.
