Sunday, May 8, 2011

Disappointed again

The coupon I was hoping to see was the Carefree $1 which would have equalled free with the sale this week but there was no coupon in our paper. Oh well.  I guess the 20 packages of pantyliner's in my stockpile will have to do.  This is an item that I donate a lot of because it's so easy to get free.  There is a women's shelter in Evansville that I'm stockpiling for and hope to have enough products by December to make a large donation. 


  1. I was so bummed too! I saw all the posts online about it and my Eville Courier didn't have it :(

  2. @mary...i have a handful of the coupons for it if you would like me to send them...won't get there for this week's sale but might come another one before they expire 06/30 i think...just email me if you want them...>^,,^<linda

  3. Oh that's so sweet of you. But I'm ok with not getting that deal. It's an item I would have got just to donate for give to a family member. Thanks so much anyways though!

  4. I keep seeing these great deals also and then our paper doesn't have them. I read on a site about getting 4 free toothbrushes from Walgreens with the coupon in this weeks SS. I didn't see that coupon. I picked up 4 for free last week so no big deal but I'm kind of glad I didn't buy a paper this week because there wasn't much in it.

  5. I read about that same deal and I never posted it because we didn't have the coupon in our paper. We rarely get Target, CVS or Walgreens regional coupons in our market. Only the online coupon and Walgreens does have a store coupon booklet that is monthly. I've contiplated a few times getting an INDY Star or Chicago Tribune from Barnes and Noble on Sunday just for the coupons but I haven't yet.
