Thursday, April 28, 2011

Coupon Classes

I'm thinking of teaching coupon classes to newcomers and those wanting to get started.  What do you guys think?  Have you ever been to one?  I've been working on developing a class outline and I'm getting more excited about it.  I taught scrapbooking classes for years so I love sharing what I know but I'm not sure if many people would come????


  1. a class like that sounds like fun...sure wish i was close enough to attend...i bore my friends to tears sometimes talking about couponing...the standing joke in our family and friends group is that i have a coupon for everything i buy or won't buy it...that's 99% true...hehehe...i gave my mom your blog addy and she said she'd like to find out where you are in wadesville so she could meet you...we had a good laugh that i found a "neighbor" on a facebook site while i'm all the way across the country...hehehe...>^,,^<

  2. I live off Joest Road in a subdivision. My email is
