To get FREE floss at Walgreens this week just print this coupon HERE. 2 prints per computer so I hope you have multiple computers!!
Monday, April 30, 2012
FREE Floss at Walgreens
To get FREE floss at Walgreens this week just print this coupon HERE. 2 prints per computer so I hope you have multiple computers!!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Clearance Section at Menards
Did you know Menards has a clearance section? I didn't and I shop there all the time. It's in the very back of the store a few aisles away from the paint section.
Half Price Step 2 Sandbox
I spotted a great deal at Menards on a Step 2 sandbox with the lid for $39. I checked on Amazon and they are selling for $89. This price is good until May 13th.
Friday, April 27, 2012
4 inserts this Sunday!
We should (fingers crossed) get 1 Snartsource, 1 RedPlum, 1 P&G, and 1 Pepsico insert!
Yard sale seasons here
I love seeing all the yard sales listed in the paper and I've especially gotten hooked on church sales. I love that there is so much all under one roof and the prices are usually pretty good. My mother in law has told me before that she doesn't like the church sakes because it's usually people's items that didn't sale at their own yard sale and donated to the church. But I have found some pretty good stuff at the last 3 church sales I've been too. I went to one about 2 weeks ago where all the clothing was $.25! So I stockpiled some baby clothes for a friend. Today, as you can see in the picture, I hit a huge sale at a west side church. I stayed there for almost 2 hours and filled my entire van. I got 4 pieces of furniture for under $20 including a large wooden rocking chair, a large bench, a coat rack and a night stand! After I refinish all 4 pieces I plan to sell them for about $175. It also saves me gas to hit a few church sales on one side of town instead of driving all over Evansville. It also feels good to know the money I spent may go to fund a youth group or mission trip.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
$1 off Pretzel Crisps
Go HERE to print a $1 off Pretzel Crisps coupons. This coupon should make them about half price at Walmart.
ReSale Reviews
Here's another ReSale Review for all you frugal shoppers out there. Have you ever been to ReStore which is the Habitat for Humanity store on Morgan Ave as your driving towards Chandler. It's in a large pole barn type of building and is usually full of furniture. I went there a few weeks ago looking for dressers and night stands, which I found many, but the prices were more than I was willing to pay. That kind of surprised me but I was looking at buying at a low price to re-finish it and resell it. It's probably a decent price for someone who wants it for their own home as is. But what good buys I did find was shelving. I've built in more shelves to hold my stockpile and found nice $4 shelves there so I was happy to find that. But here's my tip on furniture, go to the ReStore store in Henderson. It's off Green street and is a much smaller store but their prices are less there. I don't know why but every time I have been there I have noticed their prices are less than the Evansville store but you have less selection. Every dollar you spend at any ReStore goes to a worthy charity so it's a great deal for everyone.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Double Coupon Week At Buehlers
I haven't made it out to the store yet but here are some coupon match ups I found by using a coupon database. I will have even more for you hopefully by tomorrow when I can get to the store and look for all the unadvertised deals. Good luck and happy couponing!
Post Cereal $10/5
$1/2 printable HERE
$1 off Honey Bunches of Oats HERE
= $1 and up
Jack Pizza 5/$10
$.75 off in All You magazine March issue and the May issues of Good Housekeeping, Redbook and Womans Day
$.75 printable HERE
Old Orchard Cranberry Naturals Juice $5/3
various printable coupons HERE
= $.66 and up
McCormick Grill Mates Seasoning Mix $1.79
$.75/1 in the 3/25 RP
= $.79
Ritz Crackerfuls $2.49
$1/2 printable HERE and also in the 4/1 SS
= $1.99
Betty Crocker Potatoe Pouches $10/10
$.50/2 in the 3/25 SS
= $.50 each
Angel Soft $3.99
use the $.45 3/25 RP
= $2.09
Post Cereal $10/5
$1/2 printable HERE
$1 off Honey Bunches of Oats HERE
= $1 and up
Jack Pizza 5/$10
$.75 off in All You magazine March issue and the May issues of Good Housekeeping, Redbook and Womans Day
$.75 printable HERE
Old Orchard Cranberry Naturals Juice $5/3
various printable coupons HERE
= $.66 and up
McCormick Grill Mates Seasoning Mix $1.79
$.75/1 in the 3/25 RP
= $.79
Ritz Crackerfuls $2.49
$1/2 printable HERE and also in the 4/1 SS
= $1.99
Betty Crocker Potatoe Pouches $10/10
$.50/2 in the 3/25 SS
= $.50 each
Angel Soft $3.99
use the $.45 3/25 RP
= $2.09
Thursday, April 19, 2012
$.99 baby wipes
My price point is $1.50 for wipes so I was very happy to get these for $.99. I bought all I had coupons for, and I didn't clear the shelves in case you were wondering. I'm surprised I was able to find any really. So now I'm stocked up for awhile!
Found deal
I found these peelies on these Ortega taco shells and they were on sale. After coupon they were around $.75. Sadly I only found 3 peelies but I was able to get 6 boxes with them!
My Kroger Shopping Trip
I love Kroger. Everything pictured was under $16. The dish soap was free, the wipes were $.99 each, the tuna was $.49 and the shells were about $.75 each. I would have bought even more but I had a tight 30 minutes to spend in the store. I ended up shopping at the Kroger in Terre Haute. Their policy is that they will only accept 6 like coupons. I always find that funny because I just split up the transactions and get my deals anyways. Check the next posts to see what coupons I used.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
My Lane Bryant Trip
I finally got to the mall and planned to use my coupon to get free underwear but I found this great shirt in the clearance rack. It was originally $34.95 and marked down to $24.95 and then my coupon took another $15 off. It's so funny that stacking isn't just for the drug stores. I was able to stack a sale with a coupon to get a great deal at the mall. I still have another coupon to use after the 20th too!
$2.50 Coupon for While Cloud
Love high value toilet paper coupons! Go HERE to print a $2.50 off White Cloud toilet paper coupon for a 12 or 24 pack. This is limited so print quick!
FREE 20 issue Subscription to FamilyFun
I've been wanting to get this magazine and now I finally get it delivered for FREE. Go HERE to request a FREE 20 issue subscription to FamilyFun magazine that is packed with craft ideas and more for your kids and family.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Free Foodsaver System at Target
I've been hearing all over the Internet today about this great new coupon. Apparently Target sales a hand pump Foodsaver Vacumn sealing system for $9.99 which will be Free after this coupon. I was just at Target but I found out about this afterwards so I haven't verified that this deal will work in our market. But it's too good to not pass it on. Let me know if you get it. This coupon is at under zip code 77477. Find it quick under the household tab.
My Menards Trip
I was so excited to see that drawer pulls were free after rebate this week at Menards. I refinish furniture often and have to pay alot for new knobs so I jumped at the chance to get this deal. If your thinking about updating your kitchen then now is a good time to get this freebie. The limit is 20!!!
$3 Tank Tops at Target
Go to to print 2 great apparel coupons. You can print a $3 off Merona and a $3 off Mossimo apparel item. I checked the clearance racks at the North Park store and most items are 30-50% markdown so there wasn't any free clothing matchups. But you can use the Mossimo coupon to get these tank tops for $3 each. They also have leggings on sale for $6 that will be $3 after the coupon.
$.50 off ANY Cool Whip Coupon
Love this coupon. Go HERE to print a $.50 off ANY Cool Whip. When doubled this could equal some pretty cheap dessert topping!. I can see a ice cream in my future!!!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Couponing Confession
I must confess that I have hardly done any couponing in the last 4 weeks which is unheard of for me. I've started a new project or re-finishing furniture and re-selling it and it's so time consuming. But my stockpile is getting low so I must kick start myself back up. I'm going to Kroger in Owensboro on Monday. There's no great sale going on but my sister-in-law and I both have time to go on that day and we're also resale shopping there too. Then I'm going to INDY on Thursday and will be hitting up Marsh with all their double coupon deals. So stay tuned to hear about what deals I find and I will be posting "live" on my facebook page. If you have "liked" me yet, wander over to Facebook and look up Evansville Bargain Shopping Mom and check it out.
Possibly 3 Inserts This Sunday
We should receive 2 inserts this Sunday and possibly a third one if were lucky. There will be a SmartSource insert with a supplemental insert also (if we get that one) and one RedPlum. So defiantly get s paper this Sunday and remember you can always get them half price at the Dollar Tree.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Dumpster Diving Anyone?
I saw the recycling dumpsters are in front of the old Walmart again on the west side. They were completely empty when i drive by on Friday afternoon but they should get pretty full by tomorrow.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Extreme Couponing Class
I heard some exciting new on the radio this morning! Kelly Charles, who was featured on the show Extreme Couponing twice, will be in Evansville on April 21st teaching a couponing class. Weird Huh! And the class is at Marks Mattress Outlet. That's even weirder. But she is teaching a class in Evansville in the morning and in Newburgh in the afternoon. It's 2 hours long and $20 which includes coupons and handouts. Go HERE to get more details.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
$1 off Planters Peanut Butter
Go HERE to print a $1 off Planters Peanut Butter. There is a small screen that flips through 3 different coupons so just wait for the Planters one to come up.
Yard Sale 101
Here's a neat local article on tips for having a yard sale. I've been having the best time going to sales and there are a lot of tips that I wish people would follow. If your thinking of doing one this year, check out this article to help you make more money and have a smoother day. Go HERE to read it.
Half Price Soda!
Go HERE to print a $1 off 2 2-liters or 1 6-pack of Sunkist, 7-UP, A&W, Sun Drop or Canada Dry. The 2-liters often go on sale for $.99 so with the coupon it will be half price!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
50% off Couponing Sheet Protectors
Here's a coupon right up our alley! Go HERE to print a 50% off Couponing Sheet Protectors at Staples. There are several other Staples and office supply coupons tat you may want to print now.
Monday, April 9, 2012
My Shopping Cart Coupon Organizer
I took a picture of my little coupon organizer today to show it off. My niece made this for me and it velcros on to the handle of the shopping cart. I like to use this when I do double coupon shopping at Kroger because I can separate my coupons out easy.
20% off Entire Puchase Coupon for Michaels
Go HERE to print a 20% off your entire purchase at Michaels including SALE items. Hope you find some good deals to use this on. It's good till the 14th.
$.50 off Popsicle Coupon
I don't think I've seen this coupon before. Go HERE to print a $.50 off Popsicle product. You will have to "like" them on Facebook to print the coupon.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Free Underwear For Me!
I was so happy to get these coupons in the mail today. With the $15 off a $15 purchase I can get at least 2 paid if free underwear. If you want to get coupons like these just give the cashier your contact info. I also check the clearance racks for good buys too.
$1 Fall and Winter clothes clearance
Dollar General in Poseyville has their fall and winter clothes marked down to $1. Great time to buy up!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
New Colgate Coupon has a $1 off Colgate Total coupon under zip code 30303. We rarely get Colgate coupons in our newspaper market so it's awesome to be able to print them when we can.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
FREE Beauty Bag from Target
Go HERE to request your FREE beauty bag from Target. I got this last year and was so impressed with it. They only have so many so check out this deal soon!
Free P&G Coupon Booklet
Here's another link for the P&G Coupon Booklet with over $35 in coupons. Go HERE to request yours and you should receive it in 4 to 6 weeks.
$.50 off ANY Carefree product
Go HERE to print a $.50 off ANY Carefree product which will equal FREE when doubled for the 22 count pack. Click on the personal care tab to find it quickly.
Monday, April 2, 2012
$.73 Soymilk at Walmart
Go HERE to print a $2 off 8th Continent Soymilk coupons from their Facebook page. This sells for around $2.73 at Walmart which would make it $.73!
My Menards Trip
I had over $40 in credit for Zmenards from previous rebate shopping so I went to spend some of it today. I was able to get everything pictured for $.99! Everything was free after rebate and the Forever Bags were $.99 after rebate. Not bad!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Do you like cupcakes?
This doesn't have much to do with coupons but I had to share an awesome new bakery in Evansville. Gigi's Cupcakes which is next to Panera on Burkhardt donated 2 boxes of cupcakes for the coupon class which raised money for Relay For Life. They are the best cupcakes I've ever had and were almost too pretty to eat (almost!). Plus I love that show Cupcake Wars so it's great to have a cupcake bakery of our own in the Tri-state. Check them out!
How many inserts did you guys get?
I got 3 inserts in my paper today but sadly no $7 Allegra coupon. I'm going to be placing an order for coupons this week and I'll share my list with you guys and which website I go through.
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