I love this recipe and it works great. It cost about $13 all together to make and should last 6-9 MONTHS. Here's the recipe:
1box of borax
1box of Arm and Hammer washing soda
24 packages of unsweetened lemonade drink mix
3 cups of Epsom salt
Mix all together and store in a container. Use 1 tablespoon per load. Use Lemieux Shine rinse aid as well to take care if spots. Super easy and I was able to get all the ingredients at Walmart.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
FREE Glade Expressions at Walgreens
Go HERE to print a $2/1 Glad Expressions Fragrance Mister starter kit and use zip code 77477. This coupon will let you get it FREE after RR at Walgreens this week.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Last call!
It's almost the last day of the month. Print your coupons now before they disappear. Hopefully the good ones will reset and you will be able to get 2 more prints per computer!
My Menards trip
I made a quick trip to Menards to roll over my rebate check. I was able to get 2 free T-shirts and 10 free reusable bags. I still have over $4 left on my rebate check too. I'll be mailing off the rebates for my purchases today and should get another rebate check in a few weeks. If your new to the Menards rebate program then check out my tutorial over at www.couponingformycause.com
Half price clothes at World Wide Missions
I was able to get 14 pieces of clothing today for $17 at World Wide Missions. They have every piece of clothing in their store half price including summer! All sizes included as well. This is for a limited time only so check it out!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
I went dumpster diving today
I got 73 inserts today and 21 of them were from 2/19. I think that's the most I've ever found in one trip.
I got issues!
For some reason I'm unable to post to my blog accept from my iPhone. I've been working to try and figure it. But I'll have plenty of deals to pass on regardless!
2 inserts this Sunday!
We should receive 2 inserts this Sunday if were lucky and I think we will actually get both. There will be a Pepsico insert which often has rare soda and chip coupons! We should also receive a SmartSource.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Coupons I'm Printing Right Now
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
$4/4 Kelloggs Cereal Coupons
Go to www.coupons.com to print a $4/4 Kelloggs cereal coupon. Use zip code 30303. It will go fast so print quick!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
This Weeks Shopping Deals
Saturday, February 18, 2012
FREE Nature Made Vitamins
WOW! Go HERE to print a $5 off any NatureMade product with a 160 count or greater. Then go to CVS or Walgreens where they are B1G1 FREE until midnight tonight! You should be able to score free vitamins! Use zip code 30033.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Cheap laundry detergent
I'm making up a batch of my super cheap all natural laundry detergent. To get the recipe check out my other website (still in the works) at www.couponingformycause.com. It's under "How to."
Free Soup At Walmart
Go HERE to print a $.50 Maggi Soup printable coupon. Walmart sells these for under $.50 which means FREE!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Free chapstick at Walgreens
Chapstick is on sake at Walgreens for $.99 this week and there us a $1 coupon in the February coupon booklet which makes it free. No limits! You only need to use one coupon and it will apply to all the chapstick you buy. You will pay tax so keep that in mind and the orange lid ones are not ringing up at the $.99 price. Thanks Melissa for this great tip!
I saved over $76 last night at Kroger
Oh I had fun last night. My sister-in-law and I hit all the resale shops, Panera (YUM!) and Kroger. She had a 50% savings on her grocery trip and I had 49%. My subtotal was $156.77 and after sales and coupons it was $80.33. I also got $6 in catalinas. Most of this was due to coupons that doubled and using the Mega Sale deals to maximize our savings. Shopping the mega sales at Kroger gets tricky because you have to buy in multiples of 10 but you can mix and match. My free items included Colgate toothpaste, toothbrushes and Reese eggs. I got Totinos pizza rolls for $.29 and the party pizzas for $.54.
So I could say it was worth the gas money to go and it was certainly a good time. My goal is to try and go once a month and next time I think I might try to do an extreme couponing trip. I think I've got the Kroger coupon rules down now and have the confidence to do a really BIG trip.
So I could say it was worth the gas money to go and it was certainly a good time. My goal is to try and go once a month and next time I think I might try to do an extreme couponing trip. I think I've got the Kroger coupon rules down now and have the confidence to do a really BIG trip.
The reason for pricepoints
I bought 8 packs of Pampers diapers wipes last night because I was able to get them at my price point which is $1.50. I had a $.50 coupon which doubled to $1 at Kroger and made each pack $1.49. I had 8 coupons so that's the most I could buy. Now I'm stocked in wipes until the next good sale and/or coupon which ensures I will not have to pay full price. That's the whole reason to stockpile anyways. If your new to couponing you may want to start setting price points for yourself which I kind if like setting a goal. Then when the sale comes along it's time to stockpile!
ReSale Reviews
I wanted to start a new part to my couponing blog that would cover local resale shops. If you use coupons then I'm guessing your a frugal person in general and may shop for deals in consignment shops, resale shops and yard sales. I LOVE getting a deal in every form! So I plan to highlight one of my favorite places to get deals each week until I run out, although that might take awhile.
So my first and most favorite place to resale shop is Margarets Resale in Poseyville. I live out that way so it's handy for me but it's worth the drive if you live in Evansville. The owner is Margaret, of course, and she runs a great business that is packed full of deals. It is a consignment shop and is the place I take my items to sale. I always use the money I make there to buy stuff there as well. Many times I've bought clothing for my kids and never spent any money to do it. It works more like a trade for me.
Margarets is in an old office building so there lots of rooms that divide up the items. The infant/child room is my sons favorite because he gets to try out all the toys before we buy any. She sells womens, mens, girls, boys, infant clothing and accessories. There is also housewares, kitchen supplies, bedware, educational items, home decor, purses, jewelery, dvds, games and much more. There's also small furniture at times. Things are priced well and my favorite part is that certain colored tags will go 50% and 75% off each month. So I always look for those 75% items first. My last big buy there I bought 38 pieces of clothing and paid $26 for it all. You just can't beat that! You can check out their Facebook page HERE and get the address and hours from there.
If you ever stop in tell them that Mary from Evansville Bargain Shopping Mom sent you! Angie is one of the empoyees there who is an avid couponer so you can always swap coupon tips and tricks with her!
So my first and most favorite place to resale shop is Margarets Resale in Poseyville. I live out that way so it's handy for me but it's worth the drive if you live in Evansville. The owner is Margaret, of course, and she runs a great business that is packed full of deals. It is a consignment shop and is the place I take my items to sale. I always use the money I make there to buy stuff there as well. Many times I've bought clothing for my kids and never spent any money to do it. It works more like a trade for me.
Margarets is in an old office building so there lots of rooms that divide up the items. The infant/child room is my sons favorite because he gets to try out all the toys before we buy any. She sells womens, mens, girls, boys, infant clothing and accessories. There is also housewares, kitchen supplies, bedware, educational items, home decor, purses, jewelery, dvds, games and much more. There's also small furniture at times. Things are priced well and my favorite part is that certain colored tags will go 50% and 75% off each month. So I always look for those 75% items first. My last big buy there I bought 38 pieces of clothing and paid $26 for it all. You just can't beat that! You can check out their Facebook page HERE and get the address and hours from there.
If you ever stop in tell them that Mary from Evansville Bargain Shopping Mom sent you! Angie is one of the empoyees there who is an avid couponer so you can always swap coupon tips and tricks with her!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
$1/2 Ortega Products Coupon
Go HERE to print a $1/2 off ANY Ortega product. The coupon link in on the bottom right side of the page.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
I'm Going to Kroger Tomorrow!
I'm so excited. Me and my sister-in-law are off to Kroger in Owensboro tomorrow for the Mega Sale. I'll be pouring myself over all my coupons to see what deals I can some up with. I love couponing with someone else, especially my sister-in-law because we tag team our way through the store and get more deals that way. Plus it's nice to have back up for any cashier problems or cranky customers in line behind us. So you you have liked me on Facebook then you will be able to see all the deals we're getting and any coupon tips I can pass on. Were also going to hit up some resale shops for even more deals! YEAH! Fun Day!
$2 off Wisk Coupon = Possible FREE at CVS Next Week
Go HERE to print a $2/1 Wisk Coupon. CVS will have a BOGO sale next week so it is possible that paired with this coupon the Wisk could be FREE or super cheap. Print it while you can!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Awesome Dollar General Coupon
Go HERE to print a 50% off Home Decor coupon for Dollar General. It expires on 2/19 and can be used on home decor, housewares, kitchen, sheets, rugs and pillows. Last year I used this coupon to by plastic tubs for storage. Dollar General has great prices as it is so this coupon makes it even better.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
This Weeks Shopping Deals
Here are the coupon matchups for our local drug store from Collin at http://www.hip2save.com/
Rite-Aid HERE
Rite-Aid HERE
My Free Coke Coupons Arrived
A month or so ago I posted about a Coke Rewards deal where you can get a coupon for a free 12 pack for only about 30 points. I finally got my coupons! I love getting free stuff in the mail.
Friday, February 10, 2012
What Is Your Favorite Item To Get Free With Coupons?
Are there some items that make you smile extra big when you get them FREE with coupons? Mine are clothes from Target and meat. Weird combination but at times it does happen. I can't wait for new apparel coupons to show up at Target.com and then checking the clearance racks for coupon match-ups. Hamburger meat, I rarely get free but at times I find tearpad coupons at Schnucks where if you buy 3 other products you get $3 off hamburger meat and then I just buy the smallest package. I of course use coupons on those 3 other products too! So what is yours!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Look What Was in my Mailbox Today
I got a coupon booklet from P&G today with several high value coupons! And I also got my sampler packet that had even more coupons! And these coupons don't have size exclusions. That means FREE travel size!
$1.50/2 Mars Seasonal Candy Bar
This awesome coupon will get you FREE and/or super cheap candy with all the Valentine sales at Walgreens and CVS. Go HERE to print a $1.50/2 Mars Seasonal candy.
$5 off $20 Purchase at Logans Roadhouse
Go HERE to request a $5 off $20 purchase at Logans Roadhouse and in a few minutes it will be emailed to you.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
$1 off Island Spices
Go HERE to print a $1 off Spice Island spices or extracts. I've seen this brand go on sale at Schuncks for $2 so you can use the coupon to get it half price.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
I'm So Tired!
Sorry I haven't been able to post much in the past 2 days. All my time has been focused on preparing for the Consign It Mom sale at the Evansville Armory this Saturday. If you would like to get more information about the sale dates and times then check out www.consignitmom.com
Sunday, February 5, 2012
My Dumpster Diving Finds
I went dumpster diving with my mom and 2 neices and found tons if coupons. For 30 minutes of time I'll be able to get 5 bags of free dog food, 5 free me clean magic erasers and 5 half price pampers baby wipes just from the 5 P&G inserts. I also found a nice pen (don't know why that was in a newspaper bin) and 3 note pads. Not to mention about 30 various other inserts. To help give back when I dumpster dive I also take anything out of the bins that does not belong and will take away from the recycling profit. This includes rubber bands, paper clips, cardboard, grocery and plastic sacks and yes I even once found a metal lunch box.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Free Gather Together P&G Coupon Booklet
Here's another chance to order the coupon booklet above. Its packed with great cleaning products and air fresheners from P&G. Go HERE to get yours!
This Weeks Shopping Deals
Here are the drug store coupon matchups from Collin at http://www.hip2save.com/
Rite-Aid HERE
Rite-Aid HERE
$5 off a $5 purchase at Michaels!
I don't think I've seen this one before. Go HERE to print a $5 off a $5 or more purchase at Michael's for Saturday and Sunday only. There are some exclusions like clearance so make sure to read the fine print. You can also bookmark that site on your phone and show it to the cashier when you check out.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Childrens Consignment Sale Next Weekend
Believe it or not, it's almost time to think about getting your childs spring and summer wardrobe together. There will be a huge sale next Saturday at the Evansville Armory on everything kid related and includes furniture and scrapbooking supplies. It will be February 11th and starts at 8am. I have been a consignor at this sale twice now and it's really a huge event with tons of great stuff. Even better, everything is really nice quality clothes and toys at good prices. To find out more information go HERE. Maybe I will see you there!
What Coupons Are In The Paper This Sunday?
There will be 3 inserts this Sunday which includes 1 SmartSource, 1 RedPlum and 1 General Mills. To see what coupons will be inside go HERE.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Want to Order the $3 off Iams Coupon?
I was able to order some of the $3 off ANY Iams coupons today HERE. They were $2.50 for 20 coupons which will give me 19 bags of Iams dog food for FREE! If you don't have a pet then consider getting the coupons and donating the food to a local animal shelter.
Coupons I'm Printing Right Now
Here's some hot coupons you might want to print soon:

$1/2 Instant Quaker Oatmeal, quick or old fashioned oats HERE
$1 off Mitchum or Mitchum for women HERE
$2 off Angel Soft 36 ct. double roll toilet paper HERE
$2 off 1lb. or more of Sara Lee deli meat HERE
$1 off Kikkoman kitchen products HERE (includes seasoning packets which = FREE)
$7 off ANY Tena product HERE
$1/2 Instant Quaker Oatmeal, quick or old fashioned oats HERE
$1 off Mitchum or Mitchum for women HERE
$2 off Angel Soft 36 ct. double roll toilet paper HERE
$2 off 1lb. or more of Sara Lee deli meat HERE
$1 off Kikkoman kitchen products HERE (includes seasoning packets which = FREE)
$7 off ANY Tena product HERE
Coupon Organizers
Here's another post on coupon organization. There are tons of ways to organize your coupons as well as multiple choices in the organizer itself. I just use a regular old 3" ring binder but I've always wanted a Stylin Binder. To check them out go HERE. They are handmade, stitched, fabric covered binder covers and they are gorgeous but they are kind of expensive. They are about $35 each unless you want a custom made one and it does not include the binder itself.

If you search for 'coupon organizer' on eBay you will find 1,423 items for sale. There's everything from small pocket sized organizers to baseball sleeves to an organizer that attaches to your shopping cart. You don't need to buy an organization system online although it may be easier. I just used supplies I had on hand and put it together. I also used some items I got free at Staples during their back to school sales. But, if you want to check out some options for buying an organization system then check out the ones below.
Coupon Magic Organizer HERE
Coupon Organizer Pro HERE
The Couponizer HERE
Mrs. A's Grocery Coupon Organizer HERE
If you search for 'coupon organizer' on eBay you will find 1,423 items for sale. There's everything from small pocket sized organizers to baseball sleeves to an organizer that attaches to your shopping cart. You don't need to buy an organization system online although it may be easier. I just used supplies I had on hand and put it together. I also used some items I got free at Staples during their back to school sales. But, if you want to check out some options for buying an organization system then check out the ones below.
Coupon Magic Organizer HERE
Coupon Organizer Pro HERE
The Couponizer HERE
Mrs. A's Grocery Coupon Organizer HERE
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Coupon Dread
I love everything about couponing except sorting coupons into my binder. I don't know why but it just seems like a pain. It feels the same as when I do laundry. I don't mind putting clothes in the washer and then the dryer but I hate taking them out of the dryer and putting them where they go. If I was rich I would still coupon but I would hire someone to organize it all for me!
New Target Coupons Are Up
I love Target coupons. It's the 1st of the month and right on time target has re listed their coupons. You can print the $1 off Market Pantry Macaroni and Cheese coupon which equals FREE. Some of the apparel coupons rest also so print those while you can. Go HERE to get your coupons.
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